Niigata Koshihikari Short Grain White Rice 新潟県産コシヒカリ 贅沢米 - 4.4lb (2Kg) New Corp
Koshihikari (コシヒカリ) Short Grain White Rice (New Corp)
- Grown in Popular Rice Region Niigata Prefecture, Japan | 新潟県産コシヒカリ, 贅沢米 - 4.4 Pound(2Kg)
Niigata Prefecture's womb city is located in the northern part of Niigata Prefecture. Surrounded by the sea and mountains, it is a very rural town with cultivated soil over 150 years since its ancestors. The water that is drawn into the rice fields is collected by remote mountains. The quality of the water is so high that it becomes mineral water that is also available as a return gift.
Traditional Koshihikari from Niigata Prefecture (from the womb). Only rice that has received the first grade, the highest quality grade, is used in luxury. The rice we send to you is "Niigata Prefecture's recommended rice" where staff raised in Niigata press the drums. Coordinated rice that goes well with any dish. The flavor, texture, and freshly-cooked grain just called the king of rice will still shake the Japanese soul.
4.4 Pound | 1 Bag
Koshihikari (コシヒカリ) Short Grain White Rice (New Corp / 新米)
新潟県産コシヒカリ, 贅沢米 - 4.4 Pound(2Kg)
新潟県胎内市は新潟県北部に位置した田舎。 海と山に囲まれ、先祖伝来150年以上の耕作土を持つ根っからの田園の町です。 田んぼに引き入れる水は、人里離れた山々が集める雫。水質の高さは返礼品にも出ているミネラルウォーターになるほどです。(そちらもおすすめ!) 日頃からこの水と美味しいお米で生きる私達の幸せを、私どもの町に納税して頂いたお礼という形でお分けしたい一心で、僅かな在庫で申し訳ありませんが返礼品として出させて頂いております。